QUARRY. An open excavation at the earth's surface
for the purpose of extracting usable stone.
Quarry Run. Unselected materials of building stone within the ranges
of color and texture available from the quarry that is the source.
Quarry Sap. Colloquial term for the natural moisture in stone
as it comes from the quarry ledge. Varies in amount with the porosity.
QUARTZITE. 1. Geologically, metamorphic rock resulting from the
annealing of quartz sandstone. 2. In stone industry, a variety of sandstone
composed largely of granular quartz and indurated either by metamorphism
or cementation with silica to material that breaks with glassy fracture
across grains and cementation alike.
QUARTZITIC SANDSTONE. Dimension stone trade term for a type of
sandstone in which most of the grains are quartz and the cementing material
is silica.
QUEEN CLOSER. A cut brick having a nominal two-inch horizontal
face dimension.
QUOIN. A projecting right angle masonry corner, usually ornamental.
RACKING. A method entailing stepping back successive courses of
RAGGLE. A groove in a joint or special unit to receive
roofing or flashing.
Raglin. A joint raked in masonry to receive mortared-in flashing.
RAKED JOINT. See joint.
RANGE WORK. A course of any thickness that, once started, is
continued across the entire face; but all courses need not be of the
same thickness.
REBATE. A rectangular groove or slot, as to receive a frame insert
in a door or window opening. (sash groove).
RECESS. A depth of some inches in the thickness of a wall such
as a niche.
REGLET. A recess to receive and secure metal flashing.
REINFORCED GROUTED MASONRY. Masonry units, reinforcing steel,
grout and/or mortar combined to act together in resisting forces.
type of construction made with hollow masonry units in which certain
cells are continuously filled with concrete or grout and in which reinforcement
is embedded. (UBC)
RELIEVED WORK. Ornamentation done in relief--that is, extending
forward from a surface by shallow carving or molding.
RELIEVING ARCH. An arch, usually blind, built in to the wall
above a lintel or flat arch to carry the load to walls or other supporting
REPOINTING OR TUCKPOINTING. Replacing mortar in masonry joints.
RETARDING AGENT. A chemical additive in mortar that slows setting
or hardening.
RETEMPERING. To moisten mortar and re-mix, after original mixing,
to the proper consistency for use.
RETICULATED WORK. 1. Stone surface hand dressed to show a netlike
or veinlike raised pattern. 2. A wall built of square blocks set diagonally,
the joints showing a netlike pattern.
RETURN. Any surface turned back from the face of a principal
REVEAL. That portion of a jamb or recess which is visible from
the face of a wall.
REVET. To face a sloping foundation or embankment with stone
or concrete.
RIB. An arch member which forms a support for an arch or vault.
RIFT. Direction in which stone splits most readily. Term commonly
used for granite or other stone without visible stratification of foliation.
RIPRAP. Irregularly broken and random-sized large pieces of rock.
RISE. The distance at the center of an arch between the springing
line and intrados or soffit.
ROCK. 1. Geologically, any natural mass of earth material that
has appreciable extent. 2. In engineering, solid natural material that
requires mechanical or explosive techniques for removal. 3. In the quarry
industries, the term stone is more common and means firm, coherent,
relatively hard earth material.
ROCK RASH. A patchwork application of odd-shaped stone slabs,
used on edge as a veneer, often further embellished with cobbles or
RODDING. 1. Strengthening of stone slabs or panels by cementing
steel reinforcing rods into routings in the back. Practice largely restricted
to marble. 2. Slang for puddling or consolidating grout in a cavity
or core.
ROMAN ARCH. A semicircular arch. If built of stone, all units are
ROSE WINDOW. Large circular window, usually in a church facade,
ornamented with tracery.
ROUGHBACK. 1. A concealed end of a stone laid as a bondstone.
2. Side cut (slab), having one side sawed and the other rough, from
a block fed through a gangsaw.
ROWLOCK or ROLOK. A brick laid on its face edge so that the normal
bedding area is visible in the wall face.
RUBBED FINISH. A stone finish between a smooth machine finish
and a honed finish obtained by mechanical rubbing to a very smooth surface.
RUBBLE. Pieces of broken stone, irregular in shape and size,
used in the rough construction of walls, foundations, and paving.
Coursed Rubble. Masonry composed of roughly shaped stones fitting
on approximately level beds, well bounded, and brought at vertical intervals
to continuous level beds or courses.
Random Rubble. Masonry composed of roughly shaped stones, well bonded
and brought at irregular vertical intervals to discontinuous but approximately
level beds or courses.
Rough or Ordinary Rubble. Masonry composed of non-shaped field stones
laid without regularity of coursing, but well bonded.
RUSTIC. 1. A term describing masonry, generally of local stone,
that is roughly hand dressed, and intentionally laid with high relief
in relatively modest structures of rural character. 2. A grade of building
limestone, characterized by coarse texture.
Rustic Joint. A deeply sunk mortar joint that has been emphasized
by having the edges of the adjacent stones chamfered or recessed below
the surface of the face.
Rustic Stone. A trade term for rough, broken stone suitable for
rustic masonry. Generally set with the elongate dimension exposed horizontally.
Most commonly limestone or sandstone, but can be any sound stone.
Rusticated or Rustication. Term describing cut stone walling
with strongly emphasized recessed joints and smooth or roughly textured
block faces. The border of each block may be rebated, chamfered, or
beveled on all four sides, at top and bottom only, or on two adjacent
sides. The face of the block may be flat, pitched, or diamond point,
and if smooth may be hand or machine tooled.
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