Hello and welcome to my ePortfolio. I have been fortunate to have had 43-years of university teaching experience, including 3-years at University of Missouri and 3-years at Kansas State University. As professor emeritus, I have served 37-years as a tenured professor of psychology and health science at University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA). Additionally, I have achieved over 30-years of clinical experience as a licensed psychologist, certified biofeedback therapist, and certified medical psychotherapist in private practice with over 500 patients. Teaching and research interests include extensive clinical and forensic expert testimony experience with identifying, assessing and treating traumatic stress, chronic pain, insomnia, personal injury, custody, and criminal assessments. I have also earned seven Excellence and Innovation Teaching Awards (two were Chancellor's Teaching Awards), seven CAS college Faculty Merit Awards, three Research Awards, Chancellor's Service Award and a Distinguished Faculty Senate Award. Most recently, I was honored at UAA graduation ceremonies with the University of Alaska Foundations highest Award, the Edith R. Bullock Prize for Excellence 2016.
During my career I developed extensive experience and interest in elearning and distance delivery of psychology courses. Over the last 37-years, I have pioneered distance delivery psychology course instruction via teleconferencing, including live televised courses statewide in Alaska and Hawaii, as well as video, DVD, and Internet. This has lead to providing elearning psychology courses for up to 900 students per year, 300 per semester, in subjects that include general, abnormal, stress, forensic, and trauma. Have presented numerous national and international presentations over the years across 15 foreign countries multiple times, for example, presented at the 2008 iLearning forum in Paris, France as well as EDULEARN10 in Barcelona, Spain and for the Biofeedback Foundations of Europe, 2010 in Rome, Italy. Served as a 2011 international advisory board member and presented recently in 2013 for INTED in Valencia, Spain. Presented two presentations in 2012 on Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback for Academy of Psychology and Behavior in Tianjin, China. As a member of several program committees, I also presented and chaired sessions for ePIC in 2011, 2012, & 2014 in London, England. Recent USA presentations include virtually for OTC 2012 in California, USA, with 2200+ YouTube views as well as presented, reviewed and chaired sessions at the 2013 Online Learning Consortium conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. Have served on the program committee, convener, and presenter for 2013 AAEEBL in Boston, Mass. Psychology Associate Editorial Board Member for (MERLOT- Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching) since 2012. Since 2000, I have been an active university faculty pioneer, promoter, passionate leader and facilitator of several university-wide elearning and eportfolio initiatives that remain at the heart and science of my teaching and learning philosophy.
Forensic psychology research has focused on Insanity and the Death-Qualified Jury. In March 2014, Identifying Insanity-Qualified Jurors research was presented at the 30th Annual Symposium in Forensic Psychology, American College of Forensic Psychology, San Diego, California. Another national presentation in March 2015 was on Justice or Revenge: The Insanity-Qualified Jury presented at American Psychology-Law Society Annual Conference, American Psychological Association (Division 41), San Diego, California. Moreover, an international presentation with a much larger sample entitled, American Death-Qualified Jurors' Verdicts on Insanity, was presented in May 2015 at the Ninth Annual International Conference on Psychology, in Athens, Greece.
Teaching Experience
- Psychology Department faculty member University of Alaska Anchorage since 79.
- Invited Scholar and Visiting Professor of Psychology and Health Science, American University of Paris (AUP), France 07- 08.
- Clinical Professor Biomedical faculty University of Washington School of Medicine (WWAMI) - which extends training to medical students in Washington, Wyoming, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho since 92-16.
- Visiting Professor of Psychology and Health Science University of Hawaii, Honolulu, 8 summers 85, 90, 94, 97, 98, 99, 02, and 04.
- Assistant Professor 78 - 79 Kansas State University.
- Teaching Assistant University of Missouri 73 - 76 and Kansas State University 76 - 78.
- Completed Clinical Internship Kansas Community Mental Health, Irwin Army Hospital 78 - 79.
- Pioneered psychology course instruction through distance delivery and elearning via Telecourse, Video, DVD, and Internet statewide Alaska and Hawaii.
Current Course Instruction:
- General Psychology 111 - eLearning
- Abnormal Psychology 345 - eLearning
- Stress Management 380 - eLearning
- Health Psychology 485 - eLearning
- Forensic Psychology 486 - eLearning
- Traumatic Reactions 490/690 - eLearning
Certificates, Licenses & Areas of Expertise
- Tenured Professor
- Licensed Psychologist
- Certified Biofeedback Therapist
- Certified Medical Psychotherapist
- 43 yrs Teaching
- 40 yrs Psychotherapist
- 37 yrs UAA
- 30 yrs Private Practice
- 24 yrs Clinical Faculty, WWAMI
Areas of specialization include posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), trauma, chronic pain, stress, personal injury, insomnia, health psychology, applied psychophysiology and biofeedback. Other areas of expertise include expert witness testimony, consultations concerning child custody, sex abuse, criminal and other forensic matters. See Summary Sample of Legal and Medical Case Experience for more information.
University & College Service
Chancellor's Service Award, UAA 88
- Faculty Merit Awards, UAA 80, 83, 86, 97, 03, 04, 12
- Center for Advancing Faculty Excellence Award 15-16
- Service to Student Nominations, UAA 07, 13
- Chair, Human Subjects Review 83
- Chair, Institutional Review Board 87-89
- Chair, Social Science Peer Review 90, 04-09
- Chair, Admission and Standards 89
- Chair, Research Travel 82-83
- Chair, College Teaching Evaluation 82-83
- Chair, College Computer Science 80-84
- Chair, Child Development Center Board 83
- Chair, University Promotion Tenure Tripartite 96
- Co-Chair, Teaching Excellence Committee 97-99
- Homepage Internet Manager/Developer 96-99
- Teaching Excellence Program
- Psychology Department
- Master Teacher Faculty Title III 96
- Distance Education Advisory Committee 96-97
- Distance Education Search Committee 94-95
- Smart Classroom Development Committee 96-97
- Academic Computer Advisory Committee 96-97
- University-Wide Faculty Evaluation Committee 92-94
- University of Alaska Learning Cooperative 93-96
- Ph. D. Clinical Training Committee 03-04
- ANPSYCH Faculty Steering Committtee 04
- Key Note, Behavioral Science Conference of the North 11
- Reviewer, Chancellor's Fund 08
- Rep. United Academics 01-08, 12-16
- Graduate Clinical Training Committee 90-00
- Faculty Teaching Assistantship Mentor 79-16
- Undergraduate Training Committee 95-16
- Chair, Web Committee Psychology Department 98-16
- Chair, Psychology Promotion and Tenure Peer Review 10-12, 14
- Senator, University Faculty Senate 92-16
- Co-Chair ePorfolio Working Group & Pilot 10-12
- Co-Chair, Chair Academic Computing, Distance Learning, Information Technology, eLearning 92-16 (ACDLITe)
Scholarship & Publications
- Published several research papers in the areas of biofeedback, applied psychophysiology, cold research, frostbite, health psychology, stress management, clinical psychology and arctic medicine.
- Internet presentations and publications on emerging technologies for elearning psychology instruction.
- Presented numerous local, regional, national and international papers in the United States, England, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Australia, Canada, China, Russia and Japan.
- Received paper citation awards in 76, 86, and 92.
- See Detailed Vita for journal and presentation references.
Clinical Practice & Public Service
- Director, Anchorage Biofeedback Clinic 83-16
- Director, UAA Psychological Services Center 97-00
- Director, Alaska Psychological Association 85-91.
- Chair, Board of Psychologists and Psychological Associate Examiners, State of Alaska, Governor-appointed and elected chair 93-96.
- Sleep Lab Team, Providence Hospital 92-current
- Thermal Unit Member, Providence Hospital 80-94
- American Board of Medical Psychotherapists, Founding board 85-16
- Biofeedback of Alaska, Founding board 82-16
- Association of Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback 40-year member, 73-10
- Council of State Societies, past chair 85 - 86
- President of International Division of AAPB 07-08
- Biofeedback Certification Institute of America, Board member 86-89. Chair, EEG Accreditation, Chair, International 06-08
- International Traumatic Stress Studies 96-current
- International Union for Circumpolar Health 84-90
- American Psychological Association 73-90
Teaching Excellence Awards
- 16-Edith R. Bullock Prize for Excellence
- University of Alaska Foundation
- 98-Innovative Excellence in Teaching, Learning & Technology
- National Center on Teaching Excellence
- 95-Chancellor's Excellence
- University of Alaska
- 85-Chancellor's Innovation
- University of Alaska
- 81-Department of Psychology
- University of Alaska
- 79-Department of Psychology
- Kansas State University
- 75-Department of Psychology
- University of Missouri
Contact Information

UAA Office: (907) 786-1719 | iphone (907) 952-2995 | UAA, SSB Building, Room 219
Paris Office: 01133146286504 | 4 rue Lamblardie, Place Daumesnil, 75012, Paris, FRANCE
Paris Cell: 01133683111315