for Teachers |
Preparing to Teach
Chaucer |
what do you need to
review before you get into the classroom? |
Research Paper, Essay, Assignment, and Other Creative Ideas |
need some good ideas to
get started? |
Understanding and Preventing
Plagiarism |
worried about
plagiarism, especially from online sources & web materials? |
The Chaucer Metapage & The Electronic Canterbury Tales
Page |
need to investigate
chaucer in general or the canterbury tales in particular? |

Preparing to Teach Chaucer |

1. Middle English Grammar, Syntax,
Vocabulary, & Pronunciation |
would you like to know
the most common
middle english words? |
Edwin Duncan's A Basic Chaucer Glossary |
what does middle
english sound like? |
Elizabeth Rehfield's
online guide to Chaucer's
Pronunciation, Grammar, and Vocabulary |
would you like advanced
help in middle english grammar and syntax? |
Larry Benson's A Glossarial DataBase of Middle English
(Harvard) |
you like to see a brief overview of Chaucer's career and a easy to follow elaboration of
the nuances of Middle English poetics and pronunciation? |
The Introduction
to Michael Murphy's modernized Reader-Friendly
Edition of the General Prologue and Four Marriage Tales. Requires Adobe Acrobat
Reader. |
2. Historical and Cultural Backgrounds |
what was going on in
chaucer's time? |
have you forgotten the
names of all those politicians, plagues, papal schisms, & popular uprisings? |
would you like
to browse the best of all
chaucer web pages,
by the general editor
of the riverside chaucer,
housed at harvard university? |
Larry Benson's Geoffrey Chaucer Page:
looking for other
literary or historical sources from the middle ages?
saints ancient, eastern, & western?
investigating women's history? |
Paul Halsall's exemplary
Internet Medieval Sourcebook
(IMSB) & its significant subpages: IMSB Saints' Lives &
Women's History Sourcebook |
need reliable guide to
a multitude of medieval subjects, themes, concerns, & personalities? |
The Catholic Encyclopedia (1913),
everything from Aachen & Boethius to Urban II & Zwingli |
looking for a
historically sound &
graphics-rich site? |
Exploring Ancient World Cultures:
Medieval Europe (Univ. of Evansville) |
3. Primary E-Texts: The Canterbury
Tales |
Robinson's 1957 edition
at university of virginia: an excellent, authoritative edition |
Canterbury Tales in Middle English |
site, ed. Sinan Kökbugur: helpful for reading middle english for the first time |
The Canterbury Tales, with Online Glossary |
a modernized,
"reader-friendly" edition by Michael Murphy (requires
adobe acrobat reader, a free plug-in) |
The Canterbury Tales
in Modern English (includes the General Prologue, plus the tales in the "marriage
group": the Wife, Clerk, Merchant, & Franklin) |
from the litrix reading
a public domain translation in rhyme |
The Canterbury Tales in Modern English |
a selection by Skip
Knox, boise state u. |
The Canterbury
Tales in Translation |
4. Primary E-Texts: Other Chaucerian
Texts |
edited by Barry
Windeatt (longman, 1984) at the university of virginia e-text center |
and Criseyde in Middle English |
a modernized,
"reader-friendly" edition by Michael Murphy (requires adobe acrobat reader, a
free plug-in) |
Troilus and Criseyde in
Modern English |
from W.W. Skeat's 1899
edition |
Troilus and Criseyde in Middle English |
from OMACL (online medieval and classical
library) at Berkeley, all in middle english from W.W. Skeat's 1899 edition |
The Book of the Duchess
The House of Fame
The Legend of Good Women
The Parliament of
Fowles |
5. Online Bibliographies |
would you like to
reference a selective, annotated bibliography of Chaucer studies published between
1900-1984, summarized & cross-referenced by 90 different topics? |
The Essential Chaucer,
by Mark E. Allen and John H. Fisher |
want to see what the
scholars have said? |
The Online Chaucer Bibliography,
Mark E. Allen & Studies in the Age of Chaucer |
want to see the
complete annotated bibliography for a premier journal of medieval literature? |
The Chaucer Review: An Indexed
Bibliography, by Peter G. Beidler & Martha A. Kalnin |
what kind of books can
I find at the library? |
Chaucer Bibliographies
by Michael
Hanley (UWashington) & Alan
Baragona (VMI) |
6. Online Journals & Secondary
E-Texts |
want to look up reviews
of recent books on chaucer? |
The Medieval Review
at Western Michigan U. |
would you like to see
full-text articles from the proceedings of the illinois medieval assoc.? |
Essays in Medieval Studies, online
by Allen J. Frantzen (Loyola-Chicago) |
would you like to see
online "preprints" of selected articles from the upcoming issue? |
Exemplaria: A Journal of Theory in Medieval
and Renaissance Studies, ed. R.A. Shoaf (UFla) |
would you like to read
essays on chaucer by the towering figures of the early 20th century medieval studies? |
The Chaucer Metapage
Classic Essays Page |
Anniina Jokinen's
lovely site includes primary & secondary sources |
The Luminarium |
looking for a website
geared toward teaching chaucer? |
AITLC (The Access Indiana Teaching
& Learning Center) Geoffrey Chaucer Page |
7. Medieval Metapages: Starting
Points for WWW Research |
the starting point for
all things medieval on the world-wide web |
Martin Irvine and
Deborah Everhart's Labyrinth
(Georgetown Univ.) |
the most extensive
humanities metapage |
Alan Liu's unparalleled Voice of the Shuttle |
links on all aspects of
medieval literature |
Voice of the Shuttle's
Anglo-Saxon & Medieval Page |
8. Teaching
Notes |
9. Teaching
Chaucer in the 90s (ed. Christine Rose, Portland State) |
Copyright and published 1996 by MRTS and Exemplaria.
May be read or copied without prior permission for any noncommercial use.
Quotation and citation permitted with attribution.
Click here for help in
documenting electronic sources. |
Table of Contents

what kind of work have
other students done? |
Student Showcase |
Beyond the Chaucer Metapage |
what's the next step? |