Web Resources by Tale
Canterbury Tales Home Page
Fragment I / Group A
The General Prologue
The Knight's Tale
The Miller's Prologue &
The Reeve's Prologue & Tale
The Cook's Prologue & Tale
Fragment II / Group B1
The Man of Law's
Introduction, Prologue, Tale, & Epilogue
Fragment III /
Group D
The Wife of Bath's
Prologue & Tale
The Friar's Prologue & Tale
The Summoner's Prologue
& Tale
Fragment IV /
Group E
Clerk's Prologue & Tale
The Merchant's Prologue,
Tale, & Epilogue
Fragment V / Group F
Squire's Introduction & Tale
The Franklin's Prologue
& Tale
Fragment VI /
Group C
The Physician's Tale
The Pardoner's Introduction,
Prologue, & Tale
Fragment VII /
Group B2
The Shipman's Tale
The Prioress's Prologue
& Tale
The Prologue & Tale
of Sir Thopas
The Tale of Melibee
The Monk's Prologue & Tale
The Nun's Priest's Prologue,
Tale, & Epilogue
Fragment VIII /
Group G
Second Nun's Prologue & Tale
The Canon's Yeoman's
Prologue & Tale
Fragment IX /
Group H
The Manciple's
Prologue & Tale
Fragment X /
Group I
The Parson's Prologue
& Tale
The Retraction
The Electronic Canterbury Tales:
and Criseyde
Pages in The Electronic Canterbury Tales
Chaucer the Narrator -
Pilgrim and Author
Chaucer's "Orphan" Pilgrims
Frame Tale, Later Continuations,& Apocrypha
and Criseyde
Chaucer Texts: What's Available Online?
in / and Popular Culture
& Criteria for Inclusion
What's New?
The Chaucer Pedagogy Documentation Primer
The Chaucer Pedagogy Page
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The Chaucer Pedagogy Page

Complete Online Versions of the
Canterbury Tales
Complete Tales in Middle English at UVa (1510 kb)
the UVa Middle English Text Archive
Sinan Kökbugur's hypertext, helpfully glossed Middle English edition at the Librarius Homepage
The Electronic Library Foundation's edition of the Canterbury Tales is
available in a variety of formats
The Litrix Reading Room Translation
of the Canterbury Tales
Top 15
Medieval & Chaucer-Related Sites
The Aberdeen On-line
Limited Area Search of the Ancient & Medieval Internet
The Camelot Project
Exploring Ancient
World Cultures
Geoffrey Chaucer: Annotated Guide to
Online Resources
Gothic Dreams
The Harvard Chaucer Page
Medieval Sourcebook
The Labyrinth
The Online Medieval
and Classical Library
Project Seafarer / Anglo-Saxon.net
Middle English Text Series
Univ. of Michigan Humanities Text Initiative
Voice of the Shuttle
Franklin's Tale
1. In Middle English
The Franklin's
Words to the Squire, the Franklin's
Prologue, and the Franklin's
Tale at the UVa Electronic Text Center.
Read the
Franklin's Prologue and Tale in the context of Fragment
V - Group F.
2. In Modern English Translation
Scott Gettman's edition of the Canterbury Tales
(Electronic Literature Foundation) is accessible by individual tale & available in a
variety of formats: Middle English, Modern English, Facing Page, & Interpolated
- Glossed (frames; from unknown base text).
- Although unsuitable for formal research or college work, the
ELF is the best online version for younger readers and those unfamiliar with Middle
English. Easily navigable, and the Middle English glosses are very helpful.
The General Prologue and
the Marriage Group has been modernized by Michael Murphy (CUNY-Brooklyn), each tale
featuring a handsome introduction. Read the Franklin's
Prologue and Tale. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.
The Litrix Reading Room translation
of the Canterbury Tales features rhyming couplets.
Sinan Kökbugur's helpfully glossed hypertext Middle English rendition of the complete Canterbury Tales is available at the Librarius page. Use the Table of
Contents in the left frame to click on a specific Tale, and difficult terms and phrases
are glossed in the lower frame.
Knox's selection
of Canterbury Tales in Modern English (Boise State) includes the Franklin's
Interruption of the Squire & the Prologue to the
Franklin's Tale (from an unknown base text).
3. Historical & Cultural Backgrounds
4. Sources, Analogues, & Related Texts
Chaucer called
the Franklin's Tale a "lai":
- "Thise olde gentl Britouns in hir
Of diverse aventures maden layes,
Rymeyed in hir firste Briton tonge,
Whiche layes with hir instrumentes they songe,
Or elles redden hem for hir plesaunce;
And oon of hem have I in remembraunce" (V.709-14)
In the late 12th century, Marie de France
composed a series of wonderful lais, short narrative poems involving courtly
figures, marvelous plots, and celtic influences, and set them in a frame
with a prologue. Judith P. Shoaf (U of Florida) has generously
provided verse translations of most of Marie's
Marie's Lais and Chaucer's Canterbury Tales
can profitably be read in tandem, to the mutual enhancement of both!
5. Online Notes & Commentary
Discussion and links concerning the Franklin's Prologue and
Tale on Larry D. Benson's superlative Geoffrey
Chaucer Page (Harvard). Includes e-texts of scholarly essays, sources and ancillary
texts, and capsule discussions of key issues. Some of the items related to the Franklin's
Tale include:
6. Online Articles & Books
A generous
new online publishing venture: The
University of California E-Scholarship Editions. "University of
California Press now offers electronic versions of almost all of its
journal titles and over 1400 books online, many of them out of print."
E-journals are available to subscriber institutions; 400 full texts, many
covering medieval topics, are available to the general public; the rest to
members of the UC community.
Academic studies from the University of
California Press related to the Franklin's Tale include:
Chaucer Sourcebook, from the
Harvard Chaucer Page, offers a number of classic and professional essays from noted
Chaucerians, including:
- George Lyman Kittredge, "Chaucer's
Discussion of Marriage," Modern Philology 9 (1911-1912): 435-67.
Perhaps one of the most important articles in all of Chaucer studies. Set the debate
concerning "the marriage group."
- David Aers, ""Chaucer: Love, Sex and
Marriage," from Chaucer,Langland, and the Creative Imagination, 1980, pp. 143-70.
7. Student Projects & Essays
Anniina Jokkinen's Essays and Articles on Chaucer
includes a number of sample student essays, of varying quality. Like any other
source, student essays must be evaluated rigorously, cited correctly, and used
8. Online Bibliography
9. Syllabi & Course
10. Images & Multimedia
11. Language Helps & Audio Files
audio files (.wav, .au, .aiff) from the Franklin's
Tale, recorded at the 7th International Congress of the New Chaucer Society,
University of Kent at Canterbury, 1990, are available from the Chaucer Studio (Paul
Thomas, Brigham Young).
12. Potpourri
13. The
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How to Document
Print & Electronic Sources:
The Chaucer Pedagogy
Documentation Primer