Ideas |
2. Assignment Ideas Using the WWW |
In this category I have listed assignment ideas that
take advantage of WWW and other online resources. |
Exercise in Language and Translation |
Using the Electronic Canterbury Tales
website, pick a tale or a particular passage within the Canterbury Tales and compare the
Middle English with several Modern English versions (or Middle English editions).
Have students:
- Identify the specific differences in each translation;
- Note their strengths and weaknesses;
- Prepare their own translations based on their research; and
- Explain the reasons for their specific choices.
Some ready possibilities include:
- Lines 1-18 of the General Prologue: "Whan that aprille
..." (A.1-18)
- Any of the Pilgrim portraits in the General Prologue
- The Narrator's caveat at the end of the General Prologue (A.725-46)
- Any ribald or bawdy passage (ex. Miller's Tale, A.3275-81, Merchant's
Tale, E.2350-59)
- A rhyme royal stanza from the Prioress's or Monk's Tale.
Exercise in Historical Backgrounds and Context |
Identify an issue, theme, person, event,
or idea in one of the Canterbury Tales and have students do a general search on WWW search engines and search out a
related text on Paul Hall's Internet
Medieval Sourcebook.
- What kind of sources turn up on the WWW search engines and what does
that say about our contemporary understanding or fascination with, or modern
transformation of, that particular medieval idea?
- Based on the documents consulted in the IMSB, how did different
medieval writers respond to the same idea?
- Some possibilities include: honor or "trouthe;"
"courtly love;" marriage & virginity; predestination & freewill; royal
power versus ecclesiastical authority, or other such possibilities.
Exercise in Chaucerian Diction and Thematics |
It seems
that Chaucer took great delight in pushing language to its limits. Using the Search
function at the UVa text archive, search out Chaucer's use in the Canterbury Tales of a
particular word or phrase like "trouthe," "privitee,"
"gentilesse," "routhe," "fre," "earnest and game,"
and other such possibilities and note that term's usage.
- In which tales is it used, by whom, and to what effects?
- How does Chaucer seem to stretch, alter, or adapt the definition of
the term from tale to tale or even from moment to moment, speaker to speaker within a
- How do these terms lead into different themes in a tale or across
several tales?
More advanced students might try the same exercise using the Glossarial Database of Middle English
at the University of Michigan or the Middle
English Glossarial Database at Harvard University to compare Chaucer's usage to other
medieval texts. |
Exercise in Chaucerian Sources and Analogues |
In the
Canterbury Tales, Chaucer adapted a number of stories that he inherited from a number of
other sources. One of the most useful things a student can do is to compare similar
versions of a tale with Chaucer's own to see what kinds of changes or adaptations Chaucer
made to the material he found.
- Select a tale from the Canterbury Tales and read it in the Middle
English, and then again in several Modern English versions.
- Then, using the Site Index to the Harvard Chaucer Page, locate a source or
analogue to your chosen tale.
- Read the ancillary tale closely and note any differences between
Chaucer's version and the other version.
- Write a brief analysis of the comparison / contrast between the two
tales, focusing on one (or a couple of closely related) theme, such as: plot,
character(s), setting, point of view, or symbolism.
- More advanced students, keeping in mind the different historical
settings of each version, may wish to delve into a closer examination of gender dynamics
in the two tales, the use of language, the depiction of society, the exercise of
power, or other such topics.
- Another important question might be, What was Chaucer's purpose in
adapting these tales in this manner?
Here are a few possibilities:

3. Creative Assignments |
In this category I have listed assignment ideas that
involve both analytical research and a measure of personal creativity, giving students a
chance to add their own voices to the Canterbury Tales but in a distinctly contemporary
idiom. |
Exercise in Contemporary Culture and Medieval Textuality |
Review Bonnie Duncan's wonderful
Tales (link dead), in which her class composed a contemporary set of Canterbury Tales based upon
recognizably modern characters. Using your own particular locale and population,
construct a parallel series of tales. The characters from the Seneca Tales include:
An odd but interesting exercise in contemporary reader
response and exploration: Chaucer 101 by helmut s. |
Exercise or Two in Creative Writing and Contemporary Editing |
Early editors of Chaucer's manuscripts assembled the
available Canterbury Tales in a variety of ways. Let students, either singly or in
groups, add their own twist to the Canterbury Tales:
- Rearrange the order of the tales and have students compose their own
links between creative pairings of tales. What kind of link might bring together,
say, the Prioress and Physician? The Merchant and the Manciple? The Miller and
the Parson? What if the Miller hadn't interrupted the Knight's Tale and the Monk had
followed the Knight?
- Review the Cook's Prologue and Tale, discussing particularly its
seemingly incomplete status. Have students complete the tale.
- Alternatively, review the General Prologue and identify the
"orphaned" Canterbury pilgrims--those to whom Chaucer never assigned a tale,
like the Plowman, the Guildsmen, or the Knight's Yeoman. What kind of tale would
these silent pilgrims have told?
To spur discussion, have a look at the ECT Frame Tale page and
the spurious links and Chaucerian apocrypha listed there. Check out the variety of
medieval texts at the University of Michigan's Corpus of Middle English Prose
and Verse, the UVa Electronic Text Center,
the Online Medieval and Classical Library,
and the TEAMS Middle
English Text Series for possible examples to emulate. |

Feasts and Faires |
this category I have compiled a list of sites helpful to putting on a Medieval or
Renaissance faire, a popular and supremely teachable method of introducing the Middle Ages
to students of all ages--but especially to younger students. |
K-12 Assignment Ideas |
In this category I have detailed a variety of
assignment ideas and/or example that are particularly suited to younger students, although
even older students might enjoy and benefit from some of these sterling ideas! |
Fifteen Simple Activities and Assignments |
At the
conference, Teaching the Middle Ages, held at Emporia University, Emporia, KS on September
10-12, 1998, Ms. Becky Fleming of Sedgwick High School, Sedwick, KS, presented the
following simple and simply wonderful ideas for incorporating the Middle Ages (here
represented by Chaucer, Dante, and King Arthur) into K-12 learning activities. I
reproduce them here with Ms. Fleming's permission.
Have students write their own tales in
the form of Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales. It's fun to bind these into a book and give
each student a copy. Students could also write their own journeys through Hell in a style
that reflects Dante's Inferno.
Design a board game that in some way
reflects the work you're studying or make a game based on a current game show
like can then
use the game as a review before a test.
Make "baseball cards" of
certain characters: Illustrate Dante's sinners, Chaucer's pilgrims, King Arthur and his
knights, etc. on the front of the card and include "statistics" on the back.
Make a calendar depicting twelve of
Chaucer's pilgrims, twelve of Dante's sinners, twelve knights, etc.
Make a mobile of pilgrims, knights,
Dante's circles of hell, etc. Students can use actual items or paper items to hang from
the mobile.
Make a "moving picture"
using a cardboard box (any size--shoe box, cereal box, or something larger) that depicts
scenes from literature. Two pencils could scroll the pictures.
Design a newspaper or tabloid
reflecting the events in the literature you're studying. In addition to events, include
want ads, personal ads, advice columns, etc.
Find a connection to contemporary
society: Who might the Pardoner be compared to today? Who would you place in circle two of
Dante's hell? What leader is most like King Arthur? Students can display their choices in
various ways: through a pamphlet, a mobile, cards, etc.
Make use of the art teacher if he/she
is willing!! Students can make clay games or masks, papier-mâché masks, pencil sketches of
scenes or characters, watercolors, etc.
Have students make visual plot
outlines of a certain work. Display these in the classroom and use them to review the
Use audio-visual equipment. Have
students create and act in a skit that reflects a particular work. I usually videotape
these. If appropriate for younger audiences, the students perform their skits for
elementary classes.
Have students make up lyrics about the
literature that follow a well-known tune (like the tunes to The Brady Bunch, The Beverly
Hillbillies, Gilligan's Island). Sometimes students choose to write a rap song instead.
Students make a tape of themselves singing the song. My younger students really like this.
Design a bulletin board that in some
way reflects the literature you're studying and display it in the classroom.
Have students make hand puppets and
write a script that covers what you're studying. I usually have my students perform the
puppet show to elementary classes if appropriate.
Assign students the role of
advertising executive and have them promote a new movie based on the work you're studying.
To promote the movie students could make a movie poster, a bumper sticker, a button, a
magazine or newspaper ad, and a brief television advertisement. They could also cast their
Units Based on Contemporary Literature
About the Middle Ages |
upon Adam of the Road, by Elizabeth Janet Gray, a Newberry Award winning
this fully developed learning unit from the San Diego County Office of Education uses WWW
resources to investigate the questions, (1) What was it like to be a 14th-century European
minstrel? (2) What kinds of musical instruments were used in 14th-century Europe? (3) What
was it like to live in 14th-century Europe? (3) What were some careers during the Middle
Ages? (4) What games were played during the Middle Ages ? The unit
"provides resources for students to study the
music, children and occupations in the Middle Ages in Europe. After reading the novel the
students will extend their knowledge by researching the topics using the Internet. During
these lessons, students engage in a number of activities and produce lyrics, an essay, a
Moment in Time poster and a group game."
See the Adam of the Road Homepage.
Recommended for middle schoolers (grades 6 - 8).
upon Karen Cushman's popular book, Catherine, Called Birdy, the San Diego County
Office of Education has developed another unit that explores the lives of medieval women.
According to the description:
"In the California Social Studies Framework for
seventh grade, students study the daily life and role of women in medieval times.
Catherine, Called Birdy not only addresses the girl, Catherine, moving into adolescence
and her objections to the many rich suitors arranged by her father; but it focuses on
Christianity in the Middle Ages. The book is written in diary format to give readers a
more personal picture of
Catherine. This guide will not only utilize the Internet but will give students,
individually or in small groups, the opportunity to read and respond in a variety of ways
to a historical fiction book. Through the central theme of daily life in the Middle Ages,
students will be able to compare and contrast their lives to Catherine."
See the Catherine, Called Birdy Homepage.
Recommended for middle schoolers (grades 6 - 8).
At the
Apple Learning Interchange, a series of learning possibilities structure around Tolkein's The
Hobbit and Lord of the Rings entitled, The Hobbit Banquet
(David Boyd). According to the lesson plan, after reading and investigating
Tolkein's work, the unit culminates in a banquet:
"The banquet entails all students selecting the
name of a character out of a hat and then preparing: (a) their character's costume; (b)
reviewing their character's speech patterns and actions during the course of the novel;
(c) creating their contribution to the banquet, ie. a foodstuff related to the novel.
(Note: our banquet was conceived in light of Lord of the Rings and took advantage of
numerous foods mentioned; for example, lembas. Teachers familiar with Lord of the Rings
could make their students aware of these items.)
"The Banquet should be conducted completely in character, so it's a good idea to have
nametags for all. In addition, each character should prepare a short poem or speech by way
of introduction of themselves at the beginning of the banquet. Other characters might
respond with "Your presence is welcomed" at the end of each introduction. Bilbo,
of course, would act as the host. At the conclusion of the banquet, each character is
allowed to propose a toast to the assembly, stating what he or she has learned from the
experience. It's a good idea to have lots of Orc's Blood (red Kool-Aid) on hand for these
toasts!) Parental assistance (in costume, of course!) is a welcome addition to the
proceedings! Enjoy!"
Recommended for middle schoolers (grades 6 - 8).
Teaching Portfolio |
In this category I have compiled web resources
(student and/or teacher developed) that may not be explicitly concerned with Chaucer or
the Middle Ages but whose organization, themes, sources, or activities might be easily
adapted to, or lead to, medieval or Chaucerian topics, particularly for K-12. |
Lesson Plans
from the IBM K-12 Solutions |
Internet Lesson Plans from IBM
Another Edsitement lesson plan, this one entitled "Practical
Criticism" from I.A. Richards' seminal experiments in "close reading," could
be easily adapted to Chaucer or other medieval works. Review and tailor the
Practical Criticism lesson plan:
- First, "Begin this lesson by explaining to your students that
they will recreate the Richards experiment, using the unfiltered poetry available on
the Internet as their raw material."
- Second, have small groups of students browse medieval sources like
the Electronic Library Foundation's edition of the Canterbury Tales, the TEAMS Middle Ages Series,
the Online Medieval and Classical Library,
or the Middle English sources
at the UVa E-Text Center. Following the suggestions under Practical Criticism,
step 2 have the students note why they choose the poems or selections they do (titles,
authors, names and dates, subject matter, length of selections, ect.). Have students
compare notes as to why they made their specific choices.
- Third, have students write about their selections, following the
procedures outlined by Richards (see Practical Criticism, step 3).
- Fourth, have students discuss what they have learned from the
experience--both about the poems and about the process of reaching literary judgments (see
step 4).
Since the literature of the Middle Ages often suffers from a number
of misconceptions, an exercise like this could help students see the literature on its own
terms, rather than as obscure texts from a historically and culturally distant era.
Another student project, this one on William
Shakespeare's Hamlet. |
7. General Educational Websites |
In this category I have listed WWW sites and
metapages of a more general nature, but devoted to education, teaching, and learning. |
Courtesy of the State of California Department of
Education, SCORE Cyberguides
"are supplementary, standards-based, web-delivered units of instruction centered on
core works of literature. They are designed for the classroom with one online computer.
Each CyberGuide contains a student and teacher edition, standards, a task and a process by
which it may be completed, teacher-selected web sites and a rubric, based on California Language Arts Content Standards."
- Complete with detailed lesson plans, Teacher Guide, and Teacher
AskERIC, the
gateway page and search engine to the massive ERIC database. Sponsored by the US
Department of Education. |
Chaucer Pedagogy | The Electronic Canterbury Tales
Copyright © 1998-2006 Daniel T. Kline & The Kankedort Page All rights reserved.
This page was last revised on
10.02.06. |